Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Tips to Make Kids Fasting Current and Fun

Encouraging and teaching children to start fasting is one of the jobs spur easy-easy for parents. Requires a variety of ways to persuade a child to want to do the fasting. But when your child is willing to perform fast, then you should stay trying to make your child become current fasting month of Ramadan in full at the time and certainly fun for your child. Related to that this time we will present an overview of tips to make fasting children become fluent and certainly fun. So what can be done? Immediately, note the following review !!
Here's Tips to Make Kids Fasting Current and Fun
  1. First you can do is to provide various types of your child's favorite foods. Because by providing food ang preferable course your child will make them become excited at the time of breaking the fast or at dawn. But avoid giving fast food because it is not good for the health of your child's body.
  2. In addition to the food, you must provide a jug of fresh drinks and that certainly they prefer. Generally, children love to drink with attractive colors such as drinks brbahan from a variety of different fruits and many others. At the time of giving drinks to children try not to give soft drinks or caffeine because it would be bad for health. Among them will give diuretic effect for children - children or spend a lot of urine that cause children to become faster thirsty. It's better if you give water 8 to 10 glasses when breaking or during the mea.
  3. Inviting children to exercise, when fasting is not an obstacle to exercise tells us. When fasting, was actually going to make the body become much fitter and fun. Because that could be a solution for you to make your child fast fun. Do exercise that is not enough to spend a lot of energy. It's like taking a leisurely stroll, cycling or other types of exercise can certainly make children happy.
  4. Set a schedule for your child to sleep well, jikaanak make sure you have a good sleep. Because by having a good sleep would make children become exhausted and getting cukuo energy while undergoing various activities when fasting. In addition, children also have the spirit when inginmelakukan religious activities during the month of satisfaction such as the Koran and other religious building.
  5. The last thing which is also important for children dilakuakan to make smooth and satisfying fasting is to keep your child's intake of nutrients optimally. Among them could provide to fulfill or supplement intake of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins and nurtisi in it. You also can give a child, pure honey to maintain the vitality of your child's body.
Now that's an explanation of how to make fasting a child to be smooth and pleasant. It is indeed important to be done early. Due to the early learning is important to support when fully grown. Moreover, fasting is an obligation that must be done if all Muslims in the world. And if it is not accustomed to since the start of the small course at the present time would make it very lazy fasting.
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